"Really happy with the options recommended to us and this has helped in the overall effective management of our building. "
By Kim G. - Secretary owners corporation - Elwood 20 lots
How It Works
1Complete Our Short Form
We'll ask you a few questions in order to calculate and prepare your options. Call us on our toll-free number if you have any queries.
2View Quote Summaries Instantly
Click on the email link you'll receive to view your options in a clear and simple format. Prices and those services that are included are clearly defined.
3 Request Detailed Quotes
Simply click the orange button to obtain full detailed quotes from the strata managers you select. This makes you eligible for the StrataOptions discount of 25%.
4 Ways You Benefit By Using StrataOptions To Change Your Strata Manager
1. We'll find you up to 5 approved strata managers instantly
Strata managers suggested by us have been screened with regard to:
  • Experience
  • Reputation
  • Longevity
  • Area of operation
2. Easily Compare Our Strata Manager Quotes Side-By-Side
Prices are presented in a simple summary format making it easy to compare prices and services between strata management companies
3. We Speed-Up & Simplify The Changeover Process
Our know-how helps owners corporations change strata management in the most effective manner
4. Our service is free to owners corporation members
Our highly regarded service is free to owners corporations. They are also eligible for a discount arranged by us for a 25% deduction from  the first years fee.
So, What are you waiting for ?